Installation & New Project Instructions
Download and install JDK 11. You can use my school email for the username with the password mermaidCS2. Be sure to download JDK 11.
Download and install Eclipse.
Launch Eclipse and exit out of the welcome tab.
Go to Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter. Create a new profile (call it whatever you like). Set Indentation to Spaces Only with 2 for indentation and tab size. Check off new lines before each of the four control statements.
- Save the following two files to a folder on your machine.
New Project
Click File > New Java Project.
Click Finish, and then don’t create a module-info file.
Right click the project and click Properties. Go to Java Build Path and click Classpath. Click Add External Jars, and select the two files linked above.
Right click the project and select New > Class (or Interface). Remove the auto-generated public keyword.
Running a Project
Create a class with examples and/or tests (see lecture notes for an example).
Click Run > Run Configurations.
Click Java Application and then the New button (a blank sheet with a plus).
Give the configuration a relevant name.
Specify the appropriate project.
Under Main class, enter tester.Main.
In the Arguments tab under Program arguments, provide the name of the class you made in the first step.